Present Substance

Focus on Style
IQ 132 sd16 on a Standardized Test
is just the beginning...
(See this page for the standarized tests we accept). And yet, if you take any of the following online tests and score at or above 130 sd15/132 sd16, your cognitive abilities are approved for admission:
The following scores are admissible:
I AM A WORD, Xavier Jouve (75 RAW)
Tetrastiq Light Test, Gabriel Garofalo (132 sd16 min.)
Mysterium Entrance Exam 4, Greg Grove (132 sd16 min.)
HYper Laurent Dubois (130 sd15)
Concep-T Laurent Dubois (132 sd16)
Any Test by Dr. Jason Betts (130 sd15/132 sd16 min.)
...if you have proof of a single standardized test score that meets our qualifications, then you needn't take another for entry into Literarians; additionally, if you are already a member of a respectable IQ society that holds these (or higher) standards as a minimum prerequisite for admission, then you are eligible for Literarians by submitting your writing sample (LSEE4). If you haven't tested before, please, try one listed above and then contact me with your score report (N.B. email subject header: Literarians SR). Then, you may submit at least a one-page writing sample to our team. This review is considered LSEE 4 (Literarian Society Entrance Exam 4). See our QAF page for scoring information. What you submit does not have to be new; however, it ought to be dynamic, creative XOR very logical and well-written.
Let us hear your authentic voice as a writer. Make sure to vary your sentence structure in both length and arrangement. This is your opportunity to dazzle us with your unique form of prosody; this is YOUR writing and the stronger your voice is throughout your work, the better for us all. Avoid cliches and misspellings. Or use them radically to make a forceful impact! Above the heavens themselves -- make sure your hands are your heart.
Scribe with passion. Do not be afraid to write about anything, as long as it is substantive material. If you chose, e.g., to submit a one-page essay on something overtly trivial such as what you ate for breakfast, make it come alive through figurative language and verve. Tackle national issues. Send us a journal entry. Submit a stream of consciousness piece. The sky isn't the limit!

Deliver with Clarity
Be polished. Draft your work if necessary so that it is not muddled. As teachers do not like to pour over poorly written essays and dissertations and the like, we don't care for it any more than they. If you feel as if your work is not quite lucid, read it aloud. Proof for errors and prune where needed. We will not be impressed with work that needs five red-pencil markings within the first few sentences.

Be Creative and Fresh
Make your words dance! Leap! Cartwheel! Venture far away from your comfort zone and allow your fingers and hands to ensorcell your heart. Use rhetorical and poetic devices like precision instruments to produce mellifluous prose and poetry. Think about your favorite writer's style and what it is about it that captures you, and then build upon it -- with redoubtable flair!